Aortic Stenosis (Diamond Shaped Systolic Murmur) Auscultation Lesson with Recordings

Virtual Auscultation

patient torso with stethoscope chestpiece

patient position during auscultation
The patient's position is sitting.


This is an auscultation example of a diamond shaped systolic murmur associated with aortic stenosis. The first and second heart sounds are normal. The murmur starts shortly after the first heart sound and ends before the second heart sound. The murmur is mid to high-pitched. The anatomy video shows a markedly thickened left ventricle. The aortic valve leaflets are thickened and immobile. The murmur is caused by turbulent flow across the stenotic aortic valve.


Heart Sounds Video

The animation shows a markedly thickened left ventricle. The aortic valve leaflets are thickened and immobile. The murmur is caused by turbulent flow across the stenotic aortic valve.

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