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Whispered Pectoriloquy - Healthy | #138

To test for whispered pectoriloquy, have your patient whisper '1-2-3' a few times. If the voice's high frequencies seem dampened, that would suggest an abnormal lung area - compare it to what is heard in our lesson on Whispered Pectoriloquy - Abnormal.

Auscultation Sounds

auscultation sound from lesson

Patient Recording

patient heart or lung sound
Whispered Pectoriloquy - Healthy

Patient Recording - Half Speed

patient heart or lung sound
Whispered Pectoriloquy - Healthy


Patient position
The patient's position should be sitting.

Listening Tips

Features:Ask patient to whisper 1-2-3 several times. Auscultate chest walls. Over healthy lung areas, '1-2-3' is not intelligible

Waveform (Phonocardiogram)

Authors and Sources

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Whispered Pectoriloquy - Healthy | #138
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