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Wheeze | Lessons with Audio and Video | #71

Wheezes are adventitious lung sounds that are continuous with a musical quality. Wheezes can be high or low-pitched. High-pitched wheezes may have an auscultation sound similar to squeaking. Lower pitched wheezes have a snoring or moaning quality. The proportion of the respiratory cycle occupied by the wheeze roughly corresponds to the degree of airway obstruction. Wheezes are caused by narrowing of the airways.

Auscultation Sounds

auscultation sound from lesson

Patient Recording

patient heart or lung sound

Patient Recording - Half Speed

patient heart or lung sound


Patient position
The patient's position should be seated.

Listening Tips

Features:Wheezes are continuous, musical sounds, high or low-pitched. Typically, more pronounced on expiration

Waveform (Phonocardiogram)

Authors and Sources

Authors and Reviewers


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