Pediatric Referrals Decide: Fifteen-year-old boy complains of dizziness Use toggle button to access additional pages in this lesson. History Heart Sounds Diagnosis Refer? Score Refer? History Fifteen-year-old boy complains of dizziness during soccer practice. Auscultation Findings Please complete the questions on the diagnosis page. Referral Should you refer the patient? Yes No Lessons4-month-old girl failure to thrive.6-month-old boy.4-year-old with fainting episode.10-year-old with chest pain..6-month-old with poor appetite.12-year-old boy with respiratory infections.Twelve-year-old girl with periodic dizziness.Eleven-year-old girl seen after bicycle accident.Eight-year-old girl with elevated temperature.Eight-year-old boy with generalized malaise.✓Fifteen-year-old boy complains of dizziness.Signed-in users can take quizzes and earn certificates.